Our Mission
Is to unite people against climate change in a constructive, inclusive way. By educating about what is being done to build a sustainable society and preserve our environment, we hope to inspire young people to contribute to these efforts – each in their own way.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
Lao Tzu
Our Work

Current Project: Perspectives
Perspectives is a series of interviews with scientists, entrepreneurs, and other professionals working in fields related to the environment.
We hope to inspire young people to explore career paths that will enable them to participate in building a sustainable society and in preserving our environment.
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If you would like to join our team and help spread the word about our work, sign up to become a One Blue Earth Ambassador.
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Hi! I'm Elena Bouldin
One Blue Earth Founder
I founded One Blue Earth with the purpose of raising awareness about existing climate change solutions while giving everyone the opportunity to join in the effort of backing these solutions. I believe that regular people, especially students (like me!), have the potential of making a great impact by coming together. It is each and every one of our small, crucial steps that will allow us to win the race against global warming.